PETROLERN LLC conducted a very successful course titled “Unconventional Geomechanics and Hydraulic Fracturing” in Buenos Aires on 2-4 September 2019. The course obtained full satisfaction of the participants representing different Argentinian operators, service companies and universities.
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- Petrolern LLC Won DOE Smart Subsurface Visualization Platform Prize August 5, 2021
- Petrolern subawarded research funds as member of the UNR led INGENIOUS project. May 26, 2021
- Conversion to Clean Geothermal Electricity or Heat – Petrolern LLC’s Profitable Alternative to Biden’s Plan for Plugging of Old Oil Wells April 11, 2021
- PETROLERN LLC Receives $1.15 MM DOE Grant to Develop Advanced Technology for Characterization of Subsurface In-situ Stresses without Well Logs April 1, 2021
- Marrying Geomechanics and Geophysics to Enhance Geothermal Energy January 13, 2021
- Petrolern and Southern Company Announce Research Collaboration to Convert Oil Wells to Geothermal Resources October 27, 2020
- PETROLERN LLC Received 1.2 MM D.O.E Grant to Develop Real-time Subsurface CO2 Monitoring Capability July 18, 2020
- Petrolern’s Strategic Partnership with Idaho National Lab May 6, 2020
- Petrolern Conducted Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia May 4, 2020
- Free Online Petrolern At-home Seminar Series (P.A.S.S) April 5, 2020
- Petrolern Hires Dr Salah Faroughi as Senior R&D Scientist March 20, 2020
- Dr Alan J. Cohen Joins Petrolern as Business and Partnership Director March 15, 2020